
Hola, ¿qué tal?

Somos la clase de 3ºB del IES Lauretum (Espartinas).

En este blog vamos a hablar sobre el medio ambiente, teniendo en cuenta que este año es el año de los bosques y de la química. También trataremos temas como el reciclaje, los tipos de energía, la concienciación ecológica...

Esperamos que os guste mucho el blog, que hagáis críticas constructivas, que sugiráis ideas o que se pregunten dudas.

¡Gracias por visitarnos!

Hi, how are you?

We are a group of pupils of the Secondary High School Lauretum, in Espartinas (Seville).

In this blog we will talk about the environment as 2011 is the forests and chemistry's year. Also we will deal other themes, like recycling, energy types, environmental awareness...

We hope you'll like the blog, and we wait for your constructive critics and your new ideas or questions you have.

Thanks for visiting us!

jueves, 23 de junio de 2011


The problem with the climate change goes beyond of protocols.
Tthere are many environmental summits along the year but the most importants are the organiced by the ONU.

The Earth's summits.

The conferences of Units Nations about the environment and the development are internacional summits that took place in:

Stockholm( Sweden) in June 1972. It is the firts timee the presidents of goverment and of the states met to talk only for the environmental problem. Comes the Stockholm Declaration.

The Stockholm declaration started the creation of the Environmental Rihgts as it's the first document about the ambiental theme that was talked in a realy important international forum.

It sais that only exist a Earth and took the 5th June like the Environmental Mundial Day.

Rio de Janeiro( Brazil ) from 3th June to 14th June 1992

In this summit is heard the first time the Sustainable development.

What we understand about Sustainable development?

It consists in satisfy the needs of every person in the Earth taking the natural resources that our planet give to us but without it damage so much the future generations.

Are adopted 5 international agreements:

The program 21, is a plan of mundial action with standarts oriented to have a sustainable development.

Thr declaration of Rio about hte environment and the development. Here is defined a group of beginnigs respect the civil rights and responsibilities of the countries in the search of the development and the humanity welfare.

A declaration of begennigs to readjust the conservation, the use and the aplication of a sustainable development in each kind of forest.

The Agreement about biologic diversity.

Convention of fight against the desertification.

Johannesburgo's summint( SouthAfric ) from 26th August to 4th September 2002. It's known like RIO+10,too.
The principal objective of the summit was renovate the politic agreement taken in Rio 10 years ago, trought the begunnig of different programs always oriented to arrive the sustainable development.

There were other international meetings about the environment, ones of general environment y the others about a special theme, like the climate change. Now we're going to see the most important things:
The conference on December 1997 where was adopted the Kioto's protocol.

The Kioto's protocol is an international agreement, to reduce the gases that cause the greenhouse effect, in that participants of this agreement are undertook to reduce this gases ( CO2 pricipalment). If we don't make anything the tempeture could rise between 1,5º and 4,5ºC.

It implies:
Die out of animals and plants.
Loose of tropical forests.
Floods of towns and villages near the coast ( because of the melting of the poles ).
Loose of crops.
Dangerous weather events.
Dies by high tempetures, tec.

Bali's summit( Indonesia ) 2007

Here is aproved the Rute paper that implies the aceptation of part of the signatories, USA inclued, of the necesity of an international agreement more ambitious that the Kioto's summit and that pretned increased the talks to finish with an agreement in Copnehague in 2009.

Agreements that were taken:
Helped new countries: poor countries and developing countries need money of rich nations to pay the natural disasters and the negative effects of the global warming.
is necesary impulse the transferece programs of tachnology for developing countries could adapted to climate change.

Deforestation: the first time, there are going to be helps to developing countries to the conservatoin and protection of them forests and jungles.

Reforestation: is adopt that the countires doubled to 16 kilotons of CO2 for them reforestation proyects.

Emissions: is known that the last inform of intergovernamental plan about the climate change ( PICC ) of the ONU, the fourth, is the ,ost complete cientific investigation and the document of reference about the global warming.

The un summit of New York, makes that global leaders proclam the inmediate need of act against the global warming, and it was celebreted 76 before of tha Copenhague summit.
The meeting was important but the leaders didn't make many agreements.

Copenhague summit was celebrated in Dicember 2009.
This summit was considered a failure for the international news. The secretary of the climate change resinged his self when the summit was finished.

The agreements taken were the next:

The global tempeture must be in 2ºC.
Rich countries have to give 100 millions dolars to poor countries to help them. It didn't say how much money has to give each country.
In conclusion and after see the failures made in the lasts meetings of New York and Copenhague, we know that we have to make somethings to help the Earth, but we can't make is if:
The countries don't present some agreements.
They don't act against them economic interests in change to help the environment.
They don't take them nagotations in renewble energies and the sustainable development.


El reciclado de lata puede ser un ejemplo de ciclo en el que sus etapas se van repitiendo. 
Recycling cans, can be an example of the cycle in which the stages are repeated.

1º Consumo / Consumption
2º Recogida selectiva / Collection
3º Compactación /compaction
4º Fundición / Casting
6º Fabricación/manufacturing

Environmental awareness

In recent years there has been a global awareness on the protection and care of nature, meetings and conferences are held for possible collective solutions to environmental problems. When first raised the issue of environmental degradation, proposed two alternatives to fix it: the "preservation of nature" at all costs, proposed by John Muir, and conservation with emphasis on the use values ​​that nature provides, proposed by Gifford Pinchot .Since the last decades of the twentieth century, our planet has been seen as a giant ecosystem in which environmental problems, regardless of where they occur, directly or indirectly affect us in planting all. Who surely harvest. For man can continue to enjoy the beauty of flowers, singing birds, the shade of the trees, the freshness of the water, the sweetness of fruits, the green field and nest in branches, it is absolutely necessary that every day is grown in every heart, love for mother Nature. There isn’t cause without effect, nature is life, there is wisdom and health are consistent and therefore part of our happiness. When ignorance or selfishness of men is destroyed, its impact is felt hunger, thirst, pain, illness and death. Therefore, everything great and wonderful man existence requires the noble sacrifice of giving up permanently to what your eyes and in a state of complete appearance, can be "small." So what is the concern? Definitely the direct action of the family on the care of the environment is failing. I worry that maybe you go into buildings, apartments and will be clean but the surrounding neglected and dirty. This confirms that such an important aspect of environmental awareness has not been achieved as to assume that the problem is ours, nothing you do to keep your house clean and throw trash into the street. The sense of belonging emerges here as a very important component, because that is your neighborhood and she is a reflection of you. Always remember that I once saw a message on a banner when I was on holiday: a role not mess ... but we are many. If you sow a seed that you care with great affection and love, will germinate and grow a plant that will bless you with its flowers and fruits. Remember, trash isn’t just physical, it is also energy and if waste generation and management of it we do in personal life is inappropriate, the energies will be heavy and unsuitable for our comfort and happiness. At home I often said I had to have the garbage cleaned and arrange them in the corresponding color of the containers, because cleaning the planet begins at home.

The cost of water

Is it necessary to spend so much water?
A family of four members, consume 43,2 m³ of water each month. When we wash our hands, the teeth, when we use the toilet, the washing machine, the dishwasher , the shower , etc.  we consume a large amount of water. We know that the water is a natural resource that can't be wasted, because it is scarce in the world.  In Espartinas, among all the habitants , consumed 568771,2 m³ of water each month.

· A golf course, consume  2700m³ of water by Ha each year. The golf courses consume a lot of water because the grass is poorly. The amount of water spend depends on several things, like the type of grass, the Ha , etc.
·A greenhouse, spend more or less water depending on what is growing, the weather , the temperature  and the month that is. We could say that for the melon, spent 0,5 litre/m²  each day during two months.

sábado, 18 de junio de 2011

Lugares no contaminados. | Places that aren't contaminated.

In our planet, there are a lots of places that are contaminated, but also, there are many places that aren't contaminated, so look this video:

miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011

Día del medio ambiente

El pasado 5 de Junio se celebro el Día del Medio Ambiente. Este año se ha planteado como objetivo la concienciación ambiental y para conseguirlo a propuesto varios proyectos.
Por su parte, Naciones Unidas ha elegido para este año la frase “Bosques: naturaleza a tu servicio”, como el lema que englobe las celebraciones de este año.
Esta semana estará llena de debates y documentales respecto al tema ambiental y tiene como objetivo principal reflexionar sobre un modelo de vida que sea más sostenible.

En España:
Una de las actividades que se realizaron fue la Carrera Popular por el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo Sostenible, “Eco-Run”. Todos los beneficios obtenidos irán destinados a proyectos medioambientales que llevan a cabo las ONG más importantes de España.
También, en diversos lugares de España, se celebró el día de “mojarse por los humedales”. Se trata de un  programa de voluntariado en humedales que es llevado a cabo por la Fundación Biodiversidad.

Environment Day.
The last June 5th was celebrated World Environment Day. This year has proposed targets for environmental awareness and to achieve it have been proposed several projects.
Meanwhile, the United Nations has chosen this year the phrase "Forests: nature at your service" as the slogan that includes the celebrations this year.
This week will be full of debates and documentaries on the environmental issues and it has like mine aim is to consider about a model of life more sustainable.

In Spain:
One of the activities that took place was the Fun Run for the Environment and Sustainable Development, "Eco-Run. " All profits will go to environmental projects carried out by Spain's most important NGOs.
Also, in some parts of Spain, was held the day of "wet by wetlands". This is a volunteer program in wetlands that is carry out by the Biodiversity Foundation.


Llega el verano, las piscinas, las guerras de globos de agua y el riego del césped. No solo durante el verano, durante todo el año utilizamos mucha agua, demasiada. No tenemos conciencia de lo que significa esto. El agua es un elemento indispensable para la vida de todos. A nosotros, los del primer mundo, nos da un poco igual todo este problema del agua, y la malgastamos, hacemos lo que queremos con ella sin importarnos si gastamos mucha o poca. Pero en los países del tercer mundo, la gente se recorre kilómetros y kilómetros por algunos litros de agua, que luego dosificaran al milímetro. Ahí está la diferencia, y ahora pienso yo, ¿no deberíamos hacer un mínimo esfuerzo? Algo como llenar la lavadora entera antes de ponerla a funcionar o cerrar el grifo mientras te cepillas los dientes. Son cosas que no notaremos en nuestra vida diaria, pero que si hacemos todos, notarán los del tercer mundo, los podremos ayudar, y además ahorraremos algo de dinero. Como ya ves, no hay ningún inconveniente, solo hay que poner un poquito de nuestra parte y pensar, que haría una familia de Nigeria con el agua que voy a utilizar para por ejemplo, darme un baño, pudiéndome dar una ducha.
Here you have some tips to save water:
-Run your clothes washer and dishwasher only when they are full.
-Water your lawn and garden in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler to minimize evaporation.
-Wash your fruits and vegetables in a pan of water instead of running water from the tap.
-When buying new appliances, consider those that offer cycle and load size adjustments. They're more water and energy efficient.
-Collect water from your roof to water your garden.
-Toilet is one of the source wastes water unnecessarily. Upgrade your toilet with new water efficient models.
-Never put water down the drain when there may be another use for it such as watering a plant or garden, or cleaning.
-Keep a bottle of drinking water in the refrigerator. This beats the wasteful habit of running tap water to cool it for drinking.
-Don't defrost frozen foods with running water. Either plan ahead by placing frozen items in the refrigerator overnight or defrost them in the microwave.
-Use a wastebasket for trash, not the toilet. It will conserve water.
Ahorrar agua no nos perjudica, nos ayuda a ahorrar dinero y sobre todo a ayudar a los países del tercer mundo ¡Que son los que verdaderamente la necesitan!

martes, 7 de junio de 2011

Transformación de residuos de olivo a gas

España: transforman residuos del olivo en gas.  Un grupo de expertos de la Universidad de Jaén (UJA), dirigidos por el profesor Francisco Jurado, han dado con la forma de aprovechar de mejor manera los residuos que produce la poda del olivar. Con esto pretenden aumentar la utilización energética de estos subproductos.
Andalucía investiga, a través de una nota, nos señala que este es un proyecto de excelencia indicado principalmente al uso de la microturbina y del motor a gas en la importante industria oleícola.
La propuesta es definida por Andalucía Investiga como “innovadora”. El proceso es en esencia de la siguiente forma: se inicia con una biomasa que es sometida a un proceso químico que origina el gas de síntesis, el que está constituido básicamente por hidrógeno, monóxido de carbono, metano, dióxido de carbono y nitrógeno. Es justamente a partir del gas de síntesis que es posible poner en marcha, por ejemplo, un motor de combustión  interna o generar energía eléctrica a partir de una microturbina.