
Hola, ¿qué tal?

Somos la clase de 3ºB del IES Lauretum (Espartinas).

En este blog vamos a hablar sobre el medio ambiente, teniendo en cuenta que este año es el año de los bosques y de la química. También trataremos temas como el reciclaje, los tipos de energía, la concienciación ecológica...

Esperamos que os guste mucho el blog, que hagáis críticas constructivas, que sugiráis ideas o que se pregunten dudas.

¡Gracias por visitarnos!

Hi, how are you?

We are a group of pupils of the Secondary High School Lauretum, in Espartinas (Seville).

In this blog we will talk about the environment as 2011 is the forests and chemistry's year. Also we will deal other themes, like recycling, energy types, environmental awareness...

We hope you'll like the blog, and we wait for your constructive critics and your new ideas or questions you have.

Thanks for visiting us!

jueves, 23 de junio de 2011


The problem with the climate change goes beyond of protocols.
Tthere are many environmental summits along the year but the most importants are the organiced by the ONU.

The Earth's summits.

The conferences of Units Nations about the environment and the development are internacional summits that took place in:

Stockholm( Sweden) in June 1972. It is the firts timee the presidents of goverment and of the states met to talk only for the environmental problem. Comes the Stockholm Declaration.

The Stockholm declaration started the creation of the Environmental Rihgts as it's the first document about the ambiental theme that was talked in a realy important international forum.

It sais that only exist a Earth and took the 5th June like the Environmental Mundial Day.

Rio de Janeiro( Brazil ) from 3th June to 14th June 1992

In this summit is heard the first time the Sustainable development.

What we understand about Sustainable development?

It consists in satisfy the needs of every person in the Earth taking the natural resources that our planet give to us but without it damage so much the future generations.

Are adopted 5 international agreements:

The program 21, is a plan of mundial action with standarts oriented to have a sustainable development.

Thr declaration of Rio about hte environment and the development. Here is defined a group of beginnigs respect the civil rights and responsibilities of the countries in the search of the development and the humanity welfare.

A declaration of begennigs to readjust the conservation, the use and the aplication of a sustainable development in each kind of forest.

The Agreement about biologic diversity.

Convention of fight against the desertification.

Johannesburgo's summint( SouthAfric ) from 26th August to 4th September 2002. It's known like RIO+10,too.
The principal objective of the summit was renovate the politic agreement taken in Rio 10 years ago, trought the begunnig of different programs always oriented to arrive the sustainable development.

There were other international meetings about the environment, ones of general environment y the others about a special theme, like the climate change. Now we're going to see the most important things:
The conference on December 1997 where was adopted the Kioto's protocol.

The Kioto's protocol is an international agreement, to reduce the gases that cause the greenhouse effect, in that participants of this agreement are undertook to reduce this gases ( CO2 pricipalment). If we don't make anything the tempeture could rise between 1,5º and 4,5ºC.

It implies:
Die out of animals and plants.
Loose of tropical forests.
Floods of towns and villages near the coast ( because of the melting of the poles ).
Loose of crops.
Dangerous weather events.
Dies by high tempetures, tec.

Bali's summit( Indonesia ) 2007

Here is aproved the Rute paper that implies the aceptation of part of the signatories, USA inclued, of the necesity of an international agreement more ambitious that the Kioto's summit and that pretned increased the talks to finish with an agreement in Copnehague in 2009.

Agreements that were taken:
Helped new countries: poor countries and developing countries need money of rich nations to pay the natural disasters and the negative effects of the global warming.
is necesary impulse the transferece programs of tachnology for developing countries could adapted to climate change.

Deforestation: the first time, there are going to be helps to developing countries to the conservatoin and protection of them forests and jungles.

Reforestation: is adopt that the countires doubled to 16 kilotons of CO2 for them reforestation proyects.

Emissions: is known that the last inform of intergovernamental plan about the climate change ( PICC ) of the ONU, the fourth, is the ,ost complete cientific investigation and the document of reference about the global warming.

The un summit of New York, makes that global leaders proclam the inmediate need of act against the global warming, and it was celebreted 76 before of tha Copenhague summit.
The meeting was important but the leaders didn't make many agreements.

Copenhague summit was celebrated in Dicember 2009.
This summit was considered a failure for the international news. The secretary of the climate change resinged his self when the summit was finished.

The agreements taken were the next:

The global tempeture must be in 2ºC.
Rich countries have to give 100 millions dolars to poor countries to help them. It didn't say how much money has to give each country.
In conclusion and after see the failures made in the lasts meetings of New York and Copenhague, we know that we have to make somethings to help the Earth, but we can't make is if:
The countries don't present some agreements.
They don't act against them economic interests in change to help the environment.
They don't take them nagotations in renewble energies and the sustainable development.

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