
Hola, ¿qué tal?

Somos la clase de 3ºB del IES Lauretum (Espartinas).

En este blog vamos a hablar sobre el medio ambiente, teniendo en cuenta que este año es el año de los bosques y de la química. También trataremos temas como el reciclaje, los tipos de energía, la concienciación ecológica...

Esperamos que os guste mucho el blog, que hagáis críticas constructivas, que sugiráis ideas o que se pregunten dudas.

¡Gracias por visitarnos!

Hi, how are you?

We are a group of pupils of the Secondary High School Lauretum, in Espartinas (Seville).

In this blog we will talk about the environment as 2011 is the forests and chemistry's year. Also we will deal other themes, like recycling, energy types, environmental awareness...

We hope you'll like the blog, and we wait for your constructive critics and your new ideas or questions you have.

Thanks for visiting us!

jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

Environmental awareness

In recent years there has been a global awareness on the protection and care of nature, meetings and conferences are held for possible collective solutions to environmental problems. When first raised the issue of environmental degradation, proposed two alternatives to fix it: the "preservation of nature" at all costs, proposed by John Muir, and conservation with emphasis on the use values ​​that nature provides, proposed by Gifford Pinchot .Since the last decades of the twentieth century, our planet has been seen as a giant ecosystem in which environmental problems, regardless of where they occur, directly or indirectly affect us in planting all. Who surely harvest. For man can continue to enjoy the beauty of flowers, singing birds, the shade of the trees, the freshness of the water, the sweetness of fruits, the green field and nest in branches, it is absolutely necessary that every day is grown in every heart, love for mother Nature. There isn’t cause without effect, nature is life, there is wisdom and health are consistent and therefore part of our happiness. When ignorance or selfishness of men is destroyed, its impact is felt hunger, thirst, pain, illness and death. Therefore, everything great and wonderful man existence requires the noble sacrifice of giving up permanently to what your eyes and in a state of complete appearance, can be "small." So what is the concern? Definitely the direct action of the family on the care of the environment is failing. I worry that maybe you go into buildings, apartments and will be clean but the surrounding neglected and dirty. This confirms that such an important aspect of environmental awareness has not been achieved as to assume that the problem is ours, nothing you do to keep your house clean and throw trash into the street. The sense of belonging emerges here as a very important component, because that is your neighborhood and she is a reflection of you. Always remember that I once saw a message on a banner when I was on holiday: a role not mess ... but we are many. If you sow a seed that you care with great affection and love, will germinate and grow a plant that will bless you with its flowers and fruits. Remember, trash isn’t just physical, it is also energy and if waste generation and management of it we do in personal life is inappropriate, the energies will be heavy and unsuitable for our comfort and happiness. At home I often said I had to have the garbage cleaned and arrange them in the corresponding color of the containers, because cleaning the planet begins at home.

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