Contaminación del aire en Madrid.
Tanto el alcalde como la concejala afirman que el aire de Madrid ha ido en constante mejora en los últimos ocho años y que está mejor que nunca. También es cierto que los niveles de dióxido de nitrógeno (el único contaminante con el que la ciudad no cumple con la legislación) lleva años bajando, pero ese descenso se ha detenido.
Según revela el informe elaborado por la Dirección General de Calidad, Control y Evaluación Ambiental del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, titulado “Memoria de calidad del aire 2010”, la capital no pudo reducir la contaminación el año 2010 con respecto al anterior.
La red de estaciones de medición llegó a registrar 46 microgramos por metro cúbico de media anual, que son los mismos que se registraron en 2010. Los resultados de estas muestras permiten evaluar cómo ha evolucionado la calidad del aire de la ciudad en la última década.
Desde 2005, se midieron 56 microgramos por metro cúbico, así la contaminación daba muestras de descenso año tras año. Pero en 2010 no fue así, este año la media de microgramos fue por encima de lo permitido con 40 microgramos más de dióxido de nitrógeno por metro cúbico. Por lo tanto este año no se cumplió la legislación.
Al ver esto, la capital pretende llevar a cabo 5 años para ajustarse a los niveles máximos permitidos en la legislación, y para ello se deben de tomar medidas eficaces.
En este año, Madrid, para adaptarse a las leyes, eliminó estaciones(donde se miden esta contaminación) de zonas muy contaminadas de Madrid.
Gracias a todas las medidas que se están tomando, en un año se ha conseguido reducir la contaminación hasta un18'5%.
Debido a la crisis,también se ha reducido un 8% el consumo de combustible y ha aumentado un 26% la cantidad de agua por las condiciones meteorológicas.
Todo esto ha ayudado ha reducir la contaminación del aire de Madrid, y ha utilizar más el transporte público y la bicicleta como medios de transporte.
The Councillor for the Environment, Ana Botella, said that since Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon is Mayor of Madrid, the air pollution in Madrid is much improved with a concentration of PM10 particles now reduced to 15% and nitrogen dioxide now reduced to 11%.
Both, the mayor and the council are saying that the air of Madrid has been steadily improving over the past eight years and is better than ever. It is also true that nitrogen dioxide levels (the only pollutant to which the city does not comply with the legislation) for years have been falling, but the decline has stopped.
Both, the mayor and the council are saying that the air of Madrid has been steadily improving over the past eight years and is better than ever. It is also true that nitrogen dioxide levels (the only pollutant to which the city does not comply with the legislation) for years have been falling, but the decline has stopped.
According to the report prepared by the Directorate General of Quality Control and Environmental Assessment of the City of Madrid, entitled "Air Quality Report 2010, the city failed to reduce pollution by 2010 compared to the previous.
The network of measuring stations to record reached 46 micrograms per cubic meter on average annually, which are the same as those recorded in 2010. The results of these samples to assess how it has developed air quality of the city in the last decade.
Since 2005, we measured 56 micrograms per cubic meter, and pollution was showing signs of decline year after year. But in 2010 not, this year the average was micrograms above what is permitted more than 40 micrograms of nitrogen dioxide per cubic meter. So this year didn't comply with regulations.
Seeing this, the city tries to carry out 5 years to adjust to
The network of measuring stations to record reached 46 micrograms per cubic meter on average annually, which are the same as those recorded in 2010. The results of these samples to assess how it has developed air quality of the city in the last decade.
Since 2005, we measured 56 micrograms per cubic meter, and pollution was showing signs of decline year after year. But in 2010 not, this year the average was micrograms above what is permitted more than 40 micrograms of nitrogen dioxide per cubic meter. So this year didn't comply with regulations.
Seeing this, the city tries to carry out 5 years to adjust to
maximum levels permitted under the legislation, and for that we must take effective action.
This year, Madrid, to adapt to the laws, eliminated stations (which measure the contamination) of highly contaminated areas of Madrid.
Thanks to all the measures being taken in one year have reduced pollution to un18'5%.
Due to the crisis, has also been reduced by 8% and fuel consumption has increased by 26% the amount of water and weather conditions.
All this has helped to reduce air pollution in Madrid and has to use more public transport and bicycles like transportation.
This year, Madrid, to adapt to the laws, eliminated stations (which measure the contamination) of highly contaminated areas of Madrid.
Thanks to all the measures being taken in one year have reduced pollution to un18'5%.
Due to the crisis, has also been reduced by 8% and fuel consumption has increased by 26% the amount of water and weather conditions.
All this has helped to reduce air pollution in Madrid and has to use more public transport and bicycles like transportation.
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